What do dog probiotic treats really do?

Every single one of us is made of bacteria. And the same goes for our dogs. In fact, it has been estimated that there are ten times as many organisms in a dog's gut than total cells in their body (1). 


This fact drives home the message that taking your best friend’s gastrointestinal tract seriously is an important matter. That’s where probiotics for dogs come into the picture.

The purpose of probiotic chews for dogs

Many people know that probiotics are living organisms which positively impact the body. What many people do not realize is that probiotic supplements are much more complex than a spoonful of yogurt.

There are thousands of different strains of probiotics, and while species of animals (like dogs and cats) share many characteristics, each individual is a little bit different.  

Yes, every dog (and human!) has their own internal fingerprint: the microbiome. The dog gut microbiome is the collection of organisms--bacteria, fungi, and yeasts--which live in the gastrointestinal tract and impact virtually every body function and system. 

Not to mention that the microbiome is dynamic and ever-changing based on diet, age, medication use, stress level, and more. 

Research is learning more about the gut microbiome every single day, but we already know that it plays a huge role in modulating the immune system, supporting the body’s anti-inflammatory responses, and preventing chronic disease. 

What this means is that choosing the correct probiotic for dogs is a little more complicated than just choosing one in pretty packaging or feeding a probiotic dog treat on special occasions. 

Choosing the probiotic chew for dogs which contains the correct strains of probiotics proven to promote canine digestive health is of utter importance. 

Saccharomyces boulardii for dogs

One strain of yeast, Saccharomyces boulardii (S. boulardii) has taken noteworthy attention lately for its superior effects in the dog gastrointestinal tract. 

S. boulardii is a particularly effective probiotic because it is heat-tolerant, which means that it is able to withstand the heat associated with processing, and favors temperatures that match the internal environment of companion animals.

S. boulardii is not native to the dog digestive tract, which means that it must be supplemented, but the research has shown that supplementation is well worth the extra effort! Research in dogs has shown that Saccharomyces boulardii has major anti-inflammatory effects, improves nutrient digestibility, prevents and treats diarrhea and other GI upset, and assists in the detoxification of bad gut bugs which could cause serious health problems. 

Going back to the original question: What do dog probiotic treats really do?

Well, if you choose the right ones, they can make a world of difference to your pooch’s gut health and overall wellbeing. 

Check out our easy to use, research-backed dog probiotics right here. Your pup’s digestive system will be teeming with good bacteria and yeasts in no time!

Read More:

  1. https://www.morrisanimalfoundation.org/article/amazing-world-canine-gut-microbiome