by Amber Drake

The Healing Properties of Bentonite Clay for Dogs

The Healing Properties of Bentonite Clay for Dogs

For many, the idea of using clay for dogs might seem unusual. However, various types of clay, especially bentonite clay, have been used in holistic animal care for decades. Let's delve into how clay can benefit our canine companions.

Types of Clay

Healing clays have been used both internally and externally for centuries, not just for humans but also for animals, including dogs. These natural clays are believed to possess detoxifying, binding, and healing properties. 

When considering clays for dogs, it's crucial to ensure they are food-grade for internal use and to always consult with a veterinarian before administration. 

Here are some popular healing clays for dogs:

Bentonite Clay

This is one of the most widely recognized healing clays for both humans and pets. Composed of aged volcanic ash, bentonite clay is known for its ability to produce an “electrical charge” when hydrated. It can absorb toxins, heavy metals, and impurities, making it useful for detoxification. Externally, it can help with skin irritations and infections.

Montmorillonite Clay

Also a type of bentonite clay, Montmorillonite is rich in minerals. It's often used as a supplement in some high-quality dog foods because of its mineral-rich properties. Montmorillonite clay for dogs can help with detoxification and can also be used externally for skin issues.

Health Benefits of Clay for Dogs

Clay, especially types like bentonite, has been gaining attention in holistic animal care due to its array of potential health benefits for dogs. Here's a closer look at some of these benefits:

Digestive Health

One of the primary uses of clay for dogs is to aid in digestion. The natural binding properties of certain clays can help:

  • Bind to harmful bacteria and other toxins in the gut, aiding in their elimination. This can be particularly useful for dogs suffering from diarrhea or other digestive upsets.
  • Alleviate symptoms of nausea or vomiting in some dogs.


Clay has the ability to adsorb (bind to its surface) and absorb (take inside its structure) toxins. This includes heavy metals, chemicals, and impurities, supporting liver function and overall detoxification processes in the body.

Skin and Coat Health

When used topically, clay can help alleviate various skin conditions. It can soothe irritations, reduce redness, and promote the healing of minor wounds.

  • Clay masks can assist in alleviating skin irritations, reducing itchiness, and promoting overall skin health. 
  • These masks can also draw out impurities from the skin, leaving it cleaner and healthier.

Mineral Supplement

Some clays, such as Montmorillonite, are rich in essential minerals. When included in a dog's diet in appropriate amounts, they can provide supplementary minerals that might be beneficial for bone and overall health.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Certain clays have natural anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit dogs with inflammatory conditions or general inflammation-related issues.

Oral Health

Some pet owners use clay as a part of their dog's dental hygiene routine. It can potentially help by binding to harmful bacteria in the mouth, leading to fresher breath and healthier gums.

Clay for Dog Diarrhea

Healing clay, particularly bentonite clay, has been recognized for its potential benefits in addressing digestive issues in dogs, including diarrhea. When ingested, the clay's porous structure allows it to bind to harmful bacteria, toxins, and other irritants present in the gastrointestinal tract, aiding in their swift elimination from the body. 

Healing clay’s absorptive properties can help regulate moisture content, potentially solidifying loose stools. Additionally, the naturally occurring minerals in the clay can promote gut health, helping to restore balance to the digestive system. 

A precisely measured dose of food-grade healing clay can act as a soothing agent for the gut, reducing inflammation and discomfort in dogs experiencing diarrhea, particularly when the cause is ingesting something unfavorable.

Combining Probiotics with Clay

Combining probiotics with bio-adsorbent montmorillonite clay in a product like FullBucket’s Bioclay Plus Paste can support toxin removal from the body, help maintain normal fluid balance, support a healthy digestive system containing appropriate microflora, and aid in overall digestion. 

Since most of the immune system resides in the gut, this can be an excellent immune boosting option, especially for dogs who aren’t feeling their best. L-Glutamine is also added to Bioclay Plus Paste for intestinal well-being. 

Multi-Use Healing Option

Whether you’re looking for help with your dog’s diarrhea or attempting to balance their gut flora, healing clay has a wide range of uses. As with any supplement you provide your dog, observe your dog’s behavior after administering the healing clay. Take note of your dog’s experience. And if it helps, share the natural remedy with your fellow dog lovers!

Read More: 

Role of Bentonite Clays on Cell Growth

Bentonite Clay as a Natural Remedy

Photo by James Barker on Unsplash

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